Monday, November 4, 2019

Yum, and Doing the Hard Things

Update on the chicken dinner from last night - YUM!

Pretty much followed the recipe to the letter, used frozen bone-in chicken thighs (cause that's what I had) and increased the cooking time to 15 minutes to accommodate the bones and frozen state of the chicken. Even made the gravy - so easy!

This instant pot has a timer, soooo, next time I'll do the prep and set the timer to be done after practice or work. This feature so helps with my "finding" time to make dinner. Do you have any instant pot recipes to share?

Bummer that EVERYONE loved it so there aren't any leftovers. ;)

What's the hard thing I had to push through? After his soccer game, my son really wanted to go on a play date with a friend with whom we'd lost touch a few years ago.

With everything negative that's happened in our lives, my cynical thoughts began to cram their way into my brain, and prevent me from allowing a simple play date. I pulled back from all of our relationships due to the problems in my marriage. I am still cleaning up the mess my husband has created, living within it every day and trying my best to shield my children. To allow this play date would be to allow people to once again get close, and thus potentially find out about my situation. And once people find out, they fall into two groups: those who truly wish to help and support (of which there are very few) and the bigger group of those who drop away. The ones who turn away from us in the grocery store, at a softball game or at a school event leaving my poor kids to wonder why. I understand they are uncomfortable and unsure about what to say, but it hurts deep down inside. It feels like a betrayal. But I guess since I am the one that hid first, I brought this reaction onto myself and the kids.

I allowed the play date. It's the very least I can do for my son. I'll set my fears and angst aside and do what's best for him. I am trying to be a better mom.

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