I just started playing around today with CM's new digital scrapbook software, StoryBook Creator Plus and WOW! It is so easy to use. It only took me minutes to create these two pages of Juliana's first day of preschool....about 20 minutes TOTAL! It astounds me that is came together so fast!
To create the pages I used the Mod Customizable Templates for a 12x12 book. I used these templates because a suggestion of where the text and photos should go is already there. You then add or take away what you need to tell your story. One the first page I re-sized the text boxes bigger and moved the circle photos out a bit from the center photo. All done by clicking and dragging - easy. I then dragged and dropped my photos in and typed the test and title. Done.

On the second page I added a text box (the smaller one with Juliana's friends names in it) and added the top right-hand photo. Again, so easy! Yes, I had to play a little to see what I liked and didn't, but not too much. Done.
I plan to print the "friend" page and display it for Juliana in her room in CM's Page Frame (or maybe the black Everyday Display..not sure which yet.) She'll love seeing herself and her friends outside of school.
The other cool thing is if you don't want to buy this software, you can do similar things in the FREE downloadable version called Storybook Creator 2.0. It really is free and you can play and play and play. Find the link to download it at:
You'll need to create a free account with the photo center (when it prompts you for your consultant's ID number enter 23113287 for me). Don't worry - you won't get any advertising emails from them or me! The link to download the FREE software is on the top right side.
Have fun and let me know how you do!