Monday, August 22, 2011

Potty training, Back-to-school and In-Laws visiting ~ oh my!

All at once, life has interrupted life….what?

Seems like everything is happening at once these past few weeks – it’s all GOOD, but super BUSY!

Love seeing my in-laws. They are wonderful people, and I’ve been so looking forward to hugging them. Their month-long visit from Florida is a welcome change to our summer.

It’s a task I’d rather not do, but I need to now sort thru the huge pile of my daughter’s 1st grade papers to make room for 2nd grade. Less than 2 weeks away is the start of our school year, and I so need to get organized for it. Have to also clean off the kitchen table so the kids can eat their breakfast in there away from the distraction of TV and toys. Our youngest also starts preschool. September 6th is going to be a tough day for this mom.

And then there’s the potty training. My son decided on his own to tell this unprepared mom that the diaper fairy came and took his diapers to the new babies. He had to learn to use the potty. We’re into day #13 and actually doing well, both of us. I’ve held my patience in check and he and I are both better for it!

In all of this I am trying to work on a bonus block for August {grin} and the September T&T block…have some ideas, just have to get moving on them.

Back to life…think I can fit a shower in today?


1 comment:

Ann T. said...

Good luck. My life has taken another change too, so I understand.
My daughter and her toddlers are back with us. Her transfer did not work out, and so they are back. The older grandkids are going back to school, too, so now I have the babies again. 4 little ones to challenge this Grandma.

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