It's been a tough week around here - Mom has double knee replacement surgery on Tuesday and altho' was doing alright last night, she wasn't so great until then. Very hard not to be there with her. Kids come first and I need to be here at home for them. My wonderful NIL was diagnosed with a 2nd type of cancer, and she lives so far from us. It's devastating. Hubby is working now 24/7 as it's tax season, so I'm both mom and dad. So hard to help him handle his feelings about his mom when we don't see each other. The annoying issues from my recent surgery are returning, too. Thought they were under control. Is it from stress? Ugh. I'm so exhausted!
I am trying to find some time once the kids are in bed (or like now while Robbie is occupied with Imagination Movers) to take 5 minutes for me. I scrapbooked a f

ew pages yesterday in my Faithbook and put together my first quilt block in Hazel's Quilt Along. Here it is, and I'm quite proud of it. Never having done a mystery quilt before, I was nervous about my fabric choices. So far, so good.
Today I'm "venting" in my blog...
Doing these small things helps me stay in control of at least some things...hoping it'll make things easier as each day arrives. That and counting my blessings :)