No really my favorite thing, unless we're talking about fabric {grin}.
I'm talking about food stuff leftovers. Specifically, pasta and veggies from last night's dinner. Even my little ones don't care to eat warmed up buttered pasta. What does my son say, even at 2 years old?
Oh yeah, "Yucky Mom. Just yucky." Kinda says it all.
So, this is one thingI do to save a bit of time and money, and USE those "yucky" leftovers.
Last night we had buttered elbow macaroni, corn and broccoli. The corn was vanquished, but I was left with gobs of mac and broc. What to do? Whip up Cheesy Mac & Broc!
Today, I made up a basic cheese sauce (eek, you say, CHEESE?) No worries, you make it as healthy or not as you'd like. I'm all about easy (and isn't broccoli healthy?)
So, take your leftovers out of the fridge so they come to room temp. While that's happening, whip this up:
Basic Yummy Cheese Sauce
6 tbsp. butter (use the kind you like best)
4 tbsp. flour
1-1/4 cup milk (I used skim)
1-2 cups shredded cheese. I like low-fat half cheddar, half mozzerella
1 tsp.dry mustard

This picture tells the story - it is THAT yummy!
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